AerisGuard Multi-Enzyme Coil Cleaner
Estimate Usage: 40 to 60 Tons per Liter
of MECC applied to the Coil Face
Ratio: Aeris 1L : Water 19L
@40 degree °C (20 Liters)
Benefits: Kills all known Bacteria,
Mould and Fungal Growth from
Cooling Coils
Multi-Enzyme Condensate Pan-Tablet
Estimate Usage: One Pan Tablet per
AHU & FCU every 6 months
Benefits: Prevents the growth of Bacteria, Mould
and Fungus in Drain Pans and Condensate Drain Lines.
AerisGuard Indoor Coil Treatment
Estimate Usage: 80 to 100 Tons
per 5 Liter Bottle applied to the Coil Face
Ratio: 100% Aeris
Benefits: Prevent Bacteria, Mould and
Fungal Growth on Cooling Coils
AerisGuard Mould Pro
Estimate Usage: 30ml to 60ml per sqm
Ratio: 100% Aeris, Ready to Use
Benefits: Triple action cleaner, Kills
mould, Removes stains caused by mould,
Prevents regrowth of mould
AerisGuard Bio-Active Filter Treatment
Estimate Usage: 150 ml to 330 ml per filter
Ratio: 100% Aeris
Benefits: Prevents Bacteria, Mould and
Fungal build up in Filters
AerisGuard Corrosion Protection Coating
Estimate Usage: 500ml per sqm.
Ratio: 100% Aeris
Benefits: Long term corrosion protection
of heat exchange coils
AerisGuard Duct & Surface Cleaner
Estimate Usage: 50ml per 1 sqm on Surface
Ratio (concentrate): Aeris 1L : Water 10L (11 Litres)
Benefits: Cleans & disinfects Bacteria,
Mould and Fungus on Duct and hard
AerisGuard Bio-Active Duct & Surface Treatment
Estimate Usage: 60ml per 1 sqm on Surface
Ratio: Aeris 100%
Benefits: Prevents the growth of Bacteria,
Mould and Fungus on Duct and hard Surfaces
AerisGuard Duct Coating & Sealant
Estimate Usage: 0.7 to 2.5 Litres per sqm
Ratio: 100% Aeris, Ready to Use
Benefits: It provides a barrier inside the
ventilation duct work to inhibit odourcausing
bacteria building up on the surface
of the duct work.
AerisGuard Multi-Enzyme Beerline & Brewery Cleaner
Estimate Usage: Each site will vary on how
many litres each system holds and solution
should be mixed accordingly.
Ratio: 1:20 @40 degree °C
Benefits: AerisGuard Digest and detach
Biological deposits from beerline and fittings.